Have you considered the fact that maybe the products that you are putting on your skin is the real issue? Here are few products that you shouldn’t ever be put on the face.
Soap: Your skin has a low pH of around 5.4-5.9 that is necessary to maintain healthy skin. Soaps have a pH around 9-10 and can alter the pH of your skin and cause skin irritation, allergies and dry skin.
Hair Spray: Hair spray is not your replacement for setting spray. While setting spray moistens your skin, refreshes and helps the make-up to stay on for long, hair spray leads to skin issues such as acne, dry skin and skin irritations.
Body Lotion: This is also a very common mistake that people do. Body lotions are thicker in consistency, contain harsh chemicals and can clog your skin pores causing various skin issues.
Hot Water: A hot water bath is quite relaxing. However, using super-hot water to wash and clean your face will strip the moisture of your skin, leading to your skin producing even more sebum and thus resulting in skin issues such as clogged pores
and acne.
Toothpaste: Putting on some toothpaste over zits to calm them down is a piece of advice we get a lot. While it seems like a good idea to fight acne, toothpaste contains harmful chemicals that can damage your skin in the long run and also trigger skin irritation.