This Week we lay emphasis on another traffic law passed by the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain. The topic of discussion is ‘allowing children less than 10 years of age to sit in the front seat’.
It is absolutely unsafe to have little children seated on the front seat of the car even if they are buckled up! Front-seat riders are at greater risk in a front-end collision, and, ironically, children can be seriously injured by the very feature that saves adult lives: the air bag. Air bags offer great protection to teens and adults, but can endanger smaller, lighter people (like little kids) when they inflate. Air bags inflate almost instantly after a crash, often bursting with tremendous impact. This impact can injure or kill children.
That is the reason to make sure that your children, especially those under 10, are seated on the back seat, and preferably strapped up safely with the seatbelts. Cars have seatbelts on the backseats for a reason! Infants must ride in an appropriate car seat at all times. The minute or so you take to buckle in your child can save them grave injury.
Violators of this law (and the others mentioned in the previous issues) can now expect a fine between BD 20 and BD 200.
The Kingdom Of Bahrain has laid down these laws for your safety and that of your family. Your children are your responsibility; their safety is in your hands!