The second Almoayyed Inter-company Football Tournament was held on Friday, 25th March, at the Football Academy Courts in Sar. The tournament comprised of four teams representing the Almoayyed group of companies – Y. K. Almoayyed & Sons, Ashrafs, Almoayyed Contracting Group and National Concrete Company.
Farouk Almoayyed – Chairman at YKA, attended the tournament to support and encourage the young employees to achieve their goals through friendly matches and sportsmanship. The tournament was held in a round robin league format with the top two teams, Y. K. Almoayyed & Sons (YKA) and Almoayyed Contracting Group squaring off each other in the finals. The team from Y. K. Almoayyed & Sons clinched the trophy in a closely fought final match. More than 80 people attended the event which comprised of members of the management and staff along with their friends and family members.