Art in His Letters

It was a search of identity that triggered in him an interest to go back to his roots. That is how his tryst with calligraphy began, and today it is this passion that brought him all the way from Dubai to paint the walls of Bahrain Bay with the magic touch of his calligraphy. BTW catches the famous calligrapher and artist, El Seed, in an exclusive one-to-one interview with the man of great talents.

Tell us briefly about yourself: where you were born and raised, your educational background, etc.

I was born and raised in Paris. My parents were originally from Tunisia. I grew up in Paris my whole life and then ten years ago, I moved to the US and then Canada. It has been three years that I am living in Dubai where I have my studio. I studied Business and have a Master’s Degree in Shipwright and Management. I never studied Arts. I got initiated into calligraphy almost more than a decade ago in a quest for identity, i.e. in 2004.

Were you initiated into arts and painting during your childhood?

Actually in school we had 1 hour or 2 hours of art class but besides that I never studied Arts. Once my dad had enrolled me for 2 hrs of art class for 3 sessions with an old French lady but I discontinued because it was too expensive.

Who has been your inspiration?

A lot of people have been my inspiration. However, to name a few, it would be first the ancient art of calligraphy because it is the base of my art. I never studied Arabic calligraphy so this is the only foundation and formal initiation that I had. I also derive my inspiration from the books that I read. It also stems from the people that I meet and the places that I visit, and thus from varied sources.

Tell us about the significance of art in your life.

Bringing a kind of balance helps me to look at life with a different perspective because through my art I have been lucky to meet certain communities of people, and go to certain kinds of places, and I think this is the significance of art. It is a tool for human experience.

img_7910What have been the major challenges of your life so far?

Being able to sustain yourself and being able to stay true to your principle, and being able to keep doing this kind of work. Being able to do what you want as an artist, and not being imposed something on.

Do you feel that a formal training is essential to pursue arts?

I don’t think so because I didn’t get any.

Tell us about the Bahrain Bay painting the wall initiative and how you got involved with it.

I had been approached few months ago by Bahrain Bay. The purpose of the project was to create an artist in the public space.I liked the idea and I liked this spot too. We just had a chat and things were finalized. What I appreciate most is that it is an art project that is not meant so much to decorate as it is to be an art initiative that was aimed to bring art to people.

Have you participated/held exhibitions in Bahrain or in any other place? Give us a list of the last few.

No I never participated in any exhibition in Bahrain but I did art shows in Dubai, France, New York, Sao Paolo. I may also do one next month in Cairo and another one later in Milano, Italy. Besides my ‘public’ art inspiration, I also do studio work inspiration, I create sculptures and paint on canvas as well.

What kind of help and support do you seek to help reach your goal?

I think everyone should understand that artists are very important in society, and if anybody is willing to support my art, just come to the site where I am painting to just say ‘Hi’ or visit my website. There is a lot of stuff to lean about what I do.

What is your message to the aspiring artists of Bahrain?

Follow the dream that you have. Do not listen to people if they tell you that being an artist is a foolish idea. Just do it and know that we are essential and an important part of the society.