BAD BREATH (Halitosis)

Bad breath, medically called halitosis, is a very common problem affecting 1 in 4 people globally. The most common cause is bad oral hygiene. However, in some cases bad breath can be caused by some general medical conditions.

If you don’t brush and floss teeth daily, food particles can remain in your mouth and get caught between the teeth and on the tongue. The food particles will ferment releasing unpleasant smelly gases. Tooth decay can cause bad breath especially if extensive. Large cavities can hold food fragments and may cause bad breath and foul tastes.

Bad breath is one of the warning signs of gum disease. An early treatment is indicated, before the disease advances, causing more destruction to the gums, supporting tissues and ultimately causing tooth loss.

Dental Crown

Other dental causes of bad breath include poorly fitting dental restorations, a dental crown or bridge that has become loose and yeast infections of the mouth. Dentures have to be cleaned at least once a day with soap and lukewarm water, a denture cream or a denture-cleaning tablet. In addition, food particles can cause bad breath if dentures are not properly cleaned.

The medical condition dry mouth (also called Xerostomia) can also cause bad breath. Many other diseases and illnesses may cause bad breath. These include infections in the throat, nose or lungs, sinusitis, bronchitis, diabetes, or liver or kidney problems.


  •  Keeping the mouth hydrated can reduce mouth odor
  •  Brush your teeth, gums and tongue for two minutes, twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
  •  Be sure to floss your teeth or use interdental brushes.
  •  You can use a mouthwash: some contain antibacterial agents that can kill bacteria and freshen your breath.

  • Visit your dentist regularly, at least twice a year. During regular dental visits, the dentist can treat early decay and gum disease or any other oral health problems found.
  •  Cut down on sugary food and drinks.
  •  Try to reduce smoking.
  •  Maintaining good oral health is essential to reducing bad breath, so be sure you schedule regular dental visits for a dental cleaning and checkup.

If you suffer from bad breath, it is very important to see the dentist. They can treat oral health problems and help you get rid of bad breath.

Dr. Akanksha Ostwal

Periodontist / General Dentist

Bahrain Specialist Hospital
