BisB Appoints the First Bahraini Woman to Head the Internal Shari’a Audit Function


In line with its strategic aim to invest in local talent and empower women in the banking industry, Bahrain Islamic Bank (BisB), the leading provider of Shari’a compliant integrated financial solutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain, recently announced the appointment of Ms. Eman Mohammed Al Binghadeer as Head of Internal Shari’a Audit Function, the first Bahraini woman to fill this position.

Ms. Al Binghadeer will be in charge of enhancing the Bank’s Shari’a auditing and accounting systems, monitoring operations from a Shari’a perspective and implementing the necessary measures and actions to ensure compliance.

“I would like to extend my congratulations to Ms. Eman Al Binghadeer on her appointment, an achievement that we are proud of as the first Bahraini woman to Head the Shari’a Audit Function. I look forward to her accomplishing additional achievements and progress in her role, and wish her success in her future,” said the Chief Executive Officer of BisB, Mr. Hassan Jarrar.

Ms. Eman Al Binghadeer has held several positions at the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) as secretary of the Shari’a Council and its committees as well as a coordinator during training sessions and Shari’a conferences. In 2005, she joined BisB as a Secretary of the Shari’a Supervisory Board following her official certification as a Certified Shari’a Adviser and Auditor (CSAA), and was consequently appointed as a Shari’a Auditor at BisB. Following a successful career path during which she continued to develop her skills and knowledge, Ms. AlBinghadeer has been promoted to Head of the Shari’a Supervisory Department.