Under the patronage of Tamkeen’s CEO Dr. Ebrahim Mohammed Janahi, Bahrain International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW) has launched its second leading project “Art & Career” in Al Frieh Dar Al Fonoon Gallery, in the presence of H.E. Shaikh Hisham bin Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Governor of Capital Governorate, Shaikha Hind Bint Salman Al Khalifa BPW president, BPW board members, Tamkeen officials, diplomats, BPW friends and partners, and civil society institutions representatives.
The new “Art & Career” project in Manama incubates 20 talented Bahrainis in the fields of: Perfumes and jewelry accessories, gemstones designing, copper casting design, traditional games, fashion design, image and video documentation, renewing and recycling, beauty art and training centre, interior design, Arabic calligraphy, and bags design.
The opening of “Art & Career” comes in line with BPW goals to enhance its vital role in empowering women and youth economically through concentrated training and professional habilitation, providing business incubators for startups for better growth, and focusing on supporting the youth talents in mastering creative touches, designing and creative fashion, plus innovative arts.
“We are delighted to support this fabulous initiative that will empower Bahrainis in Arts creativity, and we have seen here lots of dazzling Bahraini artistic minds. Tamkeen has been supporting this creative industry in the past 4 years in order to help this industry to become a growing part in the Bahraini economy. We do believe that Bahrain has lots of young talents in this field and we will hopefully see the outcomes of that very soon.” Tamkeen’s CEO Dr. Ebrahim Mohammed Janahi stated.
“We are so glad to attend the opening of such a great project that will embrace more creative ideas and turn it into success stories to be proud of. We have seen lots of innovative products in this promising incubator and we are much confident to witness new startups that will foster the growth rates of the local economy. Tamkeen’s endless support to such marvelous projects is highly appreciated, which will be transferred into new job opportunities and high quality Bahraini products entering global markets in the near future.” H.E. Shaikh Hisham bin Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Governor of Capital Governorate asserted.
“We are very impressed and proud to see more Bahrainis around who are making use of our incubators, they have now spacious locations to display their creative items and products with a training facility. This is our second location after opening our premises in Al Andalus park, and we are looking for opening a third place to make our business prosper for the sake of incubating and empowering more Bahraini talents.” Shaikha Hind Bint Salman Al Khalifa BPW president added.
“We are extremely pleased launching this project to support the Bahraini youth in Arts creativity, which will be a great economic contributor for more sustainable development by creating new startups proud to be (Made in Bahrain). Tamkeen’s vital role is part and parcel of BPW success towards perfecting more Bahraini creative products, and we will work closely with Tamkeen to achieve our goals. Our deep gratitude goes to Dr. Ebrahim Mohammed Janahi for his kind patronage and full support which means to us a lot. Our extended thanks go also to H.E. Shaikh Hisham bin Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Governor of Capital Governorate, and to all our dear friends and partners from the civil society and private sector institutions for their fruitful partnerships and support to this project.” Khairia Dashti Al Frieh Dar Al Fonoon Gallery CEO and founder stated.