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The Six Rasas in Ayurveda

‘I have a sweet tooth’, ‘I love spicy food’, ‘Tangy flavors are my thing’, and many such personal tastes in food define people’s palette....

Ayurvedic Diet

Ayurveda is an ancient sister science of Yoga, originating from India. It’s a form of holistic medicine focused on promoting a balance between your...

Panchkarma Detox in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient sister science of Yoga, from India. As per this 5000 plus years old science, which is used to treat several...

Dincharya in Ayurveda

Niyama in Sanskrit means discipline and it comes with having a daily routine or dincharya. Ayurveda lays great emphasis on following a daily Ayurvedic...


Ayurveda or the ‘science of life’ is based on the principle that everything is made of the 5 elements of nature. The 5 elements...

Kapha Dosha

In Ayurvedic tradition the Kapha Dosha are the mind and body type associated with earth and water. It entails structure and stability in the...

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