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HomeIn focusInside BahrainHis Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa  Adresses National Assembly

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa  Adresses National Assembly

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His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa patronized the first session of the fifth Legislative Term of the Shura and Representatives councils, in the presence of His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Premier.

HM the King opened the first session of the fifth Legislative Term of the National Assembly with the following keynote. HM highlighted the fact that the Kingdom is in the ongoing path of progress and stability, towards our common aspirations, as State and citizens, for success and prosperity. 

“Our progress and productivity has accelerated with positive results, ever since we had made the pledge and set out with determination, with the support of our loyal people, to implement a reformist, modern vision based on our reality in Bahrain. The continuous growth strengthens the building of this state of law and institutions.” 

HM congratulated the members of the current National Assembly and the municipal councils, wishing them success in their endeavors to continue the development of parliamentary and municipal work and reinforce its traditions. He envisaged that they would follow up the esteemed Government’s national responsibilities, maintaining the friendly relations between the executive and legislative authorities, to strengthen the ties of integration and cooperation, and abide by the principle of separation of powers and advancing public interest.

HM praised the outstanding success of the national elections, whose outcomes reaffirm the strength of the democratic experience and the solid, will of the people in upholding the interest of Bahrain. HM expressed his pleasure in the voting of elderly citizens over the age of a hundred, who had fulfilled their duty with their youthful national spirit.

HM thanked the Chairman and members of the High Elections Committee, along with the members of the Judiciary, and relevant State institutions for their distinguished work and follow-up in ensuring the success of the electoral process with its impressive outcomes. Their participation is a great example of the commitment of Bahraini citizens to managing the affairs of their country. 

HM detailed about the national public affairs at the beginning of a new phase of work.

“At the national development level, our main priority is the goal to achieve financial balance by adopting a well-defined programme that accelerates our national efforts to rectify the public budget situation and diversify our income, under the supervision of our dear uncle, the Prime Minister, with the tireless efforts and help of our son and Crown Prince. We express to them here our pride in the promising results of the national economy which, through its strong performance, has managed to maintain its positive growth and enhance its global financial reputation.”

“Among our commitments for the national economy and to develop its sources of income, is to work tirelessly to continue to attract and encourage national and international investments, in order to create further work opportunities and choices, in particular in the field of energy supply diversification and development of the oil sector, which is in turn witnessing a qualitative leap following the discovery of the largest oil and gas field in the history of Bahrain. In this regard, we look forward to the field development plans yielding the desired developmental returns. 

HM advocated the members of the legislative authority to take into account the priorities of national action and future requirements with continuous the efforts. HM asked those to support the necessary reforms and actions related to the sustainability of pension funds to ensure their ability to fulfil their obligations towards future generations.  HM also called upon the esteemed Government to put among the necessary plans to develop areas of investments and diversify sources of income to the insurance funds to improve the services provided to retirees.

“We convey our sincere thanks to our brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the State of Kuwait, for their noble stances, which we highly appreciate, in supporting our national efforts to achieve the sought after financial balance and economic growth, through which we will work to strengthen facets of our integration and economic cooperation with our brothers, within the context of our common policies that aim to maintain the security and stability of the region and safeguard its gains.

“As part of our commitment to our Arab and Islamic surroundings, we will continue to defend our Arab and Islamic causes in international forums, and the Palestinian issue is at the forefront of our interests. We will seek that the Palestinian people obtain their legitimate rights, including the establishment of an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital. 

HM highlighted the leading role of the Bahraini women in preserving  national identity and noble traditions, that has contributed in shaping  the contemporary civil state, surpassing the stage of empowerment, support and claiming rights while enjoying human rights and working alongside men on the basis of balanced partnership towards development. 

 HM also expressed his pride in the outstanding accomplishments of the youth in all the development, defense and sporting fields. The youth and sports sector has recorded many achievements, testifying to the truth of His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa by turning a vision into reality. The number of gold medals carrying the name of Bahrain reached 197 medals, in addition to 158 silver medals and 135 bronze medals, in this year alone. HM emphasized the need to develop the necessary legislation to support the youth and sports sector, to continue the gold achievements of Bahrain for many years to come.

“Distinguished guests, any national discourse would not be complete without commending and glorifying the vital role of our defence and security forces, and their affiliates, leaders and personnel, of whose achievements we are proud. We appreciate their efforts and commitment, and cherish their unlimited sacrifices to preserve the security and stability of our country, as indispensable means to continue our advancement and progress. It is our duty to reaffirm the importance of continuous development of our defence capabilities in order to safeguard the strength and sovereignty of the country.”

HM expressed an appreciation for the responsible role of our constitutional institutions. Through the legislative system, the Kingdom has witnessed noticeable maturity and development by protecting the high interests of Bahrain and expressing the aspirations of the citizens.  

“That steadfastness and determination to develop had an important role in continuing the consensus on our national foundations and maintaining the stability, territorial integrity and unity of our country, as well as in transforming our aspirations of reforms and modernization into a real and successful experience, through preserving its authentic national identity and Arab and Islamic character, and its commitment to the protection and stability of its region, so that Bahrain continues its humanitarian role, extending  bridges of love and peace with its international family. 

“In conclusion, as we celebrate our National Days, may Bahrain enjoy its continued prosperity and live free and proud with its noble people, wishing you a successful legislative term filled with contributions and achievements. 

“Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you.”

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