ILA, GCC’s oldest expat women’s group installs new team

ILA new members

A new Board of Directors has taken charge at the helm of the Indian Ladies Association (ILA). There are plans to make this 64th year a lively one in terms of both, community service and cultural interaction. “We are keenly aware of our work as a ‘legacy’ institution. It carries a heritage of over six decades of service to the vulnerable amongst us.” said President Reena Sreedhar. “At the same time, the ILA is also a platform of friendship and networking for women in Bahrain. The Indian community, in particular, has seen an upsurge in women professionals and entrepreneurs. We want to reach out to them and build strong ties of service and innovation with them all.” With that in focus, the team for 2020-2021 will be making every effort to sign up new members. Bringing in new ideas to the ILA roster.

This year, the ILA will be actively opening new avenues for highly motivated, enthusiastic and skilled women. Those who look forward to knowledge sharing and continuous improvement in various aspects of their personality and life. The ILA will be organizing special skill sharing sessions, lectures and demos on personality enhancement, life skills and personal care for our members. This year more emphasis on empowering our members through knowledge sharing sessions will be given. Experts will teach in various fields like leadership, entrepreneurship, online trading, beginning start ups, time management etc.

The new team consists of: The President Reena Sreedhar, Vice President Sarada Ajith, General Secretary Trupti Supali , Treasurer Sunanda Gaikwad , Public Relations Secretary Neelam Gupta. Other members are Membership Secretary Komal Talreja, Entertainment Secretary Raka Mukhopadhyay , Operations Secretary Ekta Mehta, and Activities Secretary Anjana Mishra.