Lulu Hypermarket donated BD 500 worth of dog and cat food to the BSPCA and BARC (formerly the Dogfather), two animal rescue and charity groups which have been hard hit by the general slowdown of the COVID-19.
The donation was received by Sarah Clarke, animal charities supporter and the Founder of ‘Baloo’s Buddies’ based at the RIA Centre in Adliya, who has been running a ‘Just One Can’ pet food donation appeal.
“I am absolutely delighted that Lulu has donated dog and cat food to BSPCA and BARC. It takes a big heart to connect with the most vulnerable in the community and Lulu has proven it takes its community duties very seriously indeed.”
She added, “Animals – especially strays, which live on the charity of such groups – have been badly hit by the COVID-19 crisis due to the lack of fund raising opportunities for animal rescue charities. Pet food is a major component of this care and canned cat food is particularly in short supply. Lulu’s charitable gesture is a powerful affirmation that, together, we can all help our four-legged friends.”
Juzer Rupawala, Director of the Lulu Group, said the gesture was a way of reaching out to animal care groups which serve creatures that cannot speak up for themselves.
“Animals are a part of our community but vulnerable because they cannot speak for themselves. Lulu Hypermarket recognises that caring for them and supporting animal charities is a responsibility we must share and are happy to be a part of this animal care movement in Bahrain.”