Ovarian Cysts in Childbearing Years

Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs which can develop in the ovaries. Most women will experience an ovarian cyst at least once. 4% of women are admitted to hospital with an ovarian cyst by the age of 65 years. But most cysts are asymptomatic, and discovered during a routine pelvic exam.

Amongst various types, functional ovarian cysts such as follicle and corpus luteum cysts are the commonest. If the egg containing follicle doesn’t break open during the midcycle, the fluid within can form a follicular cyst on the ovary. If the Follicle sac doesn’t dissolve after ovulation, additional fluid accumulation causes corpus luteum cyst.

Other types of ovarian cysts include dermoid cyst which contain hair, fat, and other tissue. Cystadenomas are non-cancerous cysts whereas endometriomas are due to uterine lining growing within the ovary.

Growing ovarian cysts can cause symptoms like  abdominal bloating or swelling, painful bowel movements, pelvic pain, painful intercourse, pain in the lower back or thighs, breast tenderness, and nausea and vomiting.

At times, ovarian cysts may undergo complications such as cyst rupture or ovarian torsion with loss of the ovary, bleeding within the cyst or rarely, cancerous transformation. Polycystic ovary or endometriosis can reduce fertility. Severe symptoms such as intense or sharp continuous pelvic pain, fever, faintness or dizziness, rapid breathing may indicate need for immediate medical attention.

Further tests such as ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, blood work maybe needed to look for type or complications. Treatment may include conservative, hormones or surgery such as laparoscopy or laparotomy. Surgery is required when cysts are complicated or more than 5 cm in size.

Routine gynecologic examinations can detect ovarian cysts early. Alert your doctor to symptoms that may indicate a problem, such as changes in your menstrual cycle, ongoing pelvic pain, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss and abdominal fullness.

Most modern modalities of diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cysts are available at our worldwide recognized multispecialty Women clinic in BSH.

Health1Dr. Vandana Kumar

Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist

Bahrain Specialist Hospital

Email: vandana.kumar@bsh.com.bh