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Pitta Dosha

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The doshas are biological energies found throughout the human body and mind. They govern all the physical and mental processes and provide a unique constitution for each individual, determining their personality, just like their DNA.

The doshas derive from the five elements and their properties and Pitta is composed of Fire and Water. It is the energy of digestion and metabolism in the body which functions through substances such as hormones, enzymes, bile and acids. While it is closely related to fire it is the liquid nature of these substances that accounts for the element of water in Pitta’s constitution.

A Pitta individual will display the qualities associated with this dosha which are hot, oily, sharp, light, acidic and moving.

The main locations of Pitta in the body are the small intestines, stomach, liver, pancreas, blood, eyes and sweat. It manages all the processes related to conversion and transformation throughout the mind and body. Psychologically, Pitta governs courage, joy, anger, willpower and mental perception, jealousy and courage.

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When a person has a tendency to overdo and have a ‘burnout’ it is generally due to the excess Pitta. It is important to keep the internal fire in check to avoid overheating.

The balanced Pitta individual is generally of a sharp intellect, joyful nature and tremendous drive and courage. But as the Pitta goes out of balance the joyfulness changes to anger, rage and the ego replaces the positive attributes. Pitta imbalances generally manifest in the body as rashes, ulcers, inflammation, heartburn and fever.

It is believed that people with high Pitta instead of going to hell create hell wherever they go! On the contrary Pitta balanced individuals bring joy and harmony around them.


Neelanjana Bharadwaj
Yoga Expert
Instagram: – yoga_me_and_more

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