Secret Threats to Your Health

Correct Sitting Posture

Many people experience headaches, neck or back aches or other painful symptoms on a daily basis.  Usually these problems can be attributed to common unhealthy ergonomics at home and work, activities of daily living, and your job, minor injuries or even how much time you spend using technology.

What are often overlooked are sneaky contributors to mechanical pain such as your vehicle, mattress, what pillow you use, the style and condition of your shoes, the fit of an undergarment and neglected posture. This is only a short list of unexpected issues that directly sabotage your wellness.

back pain
Wrong mattress and pillow can cause back pain

Seemingly minor flaws in things like the fit of certain clothing or quality of a car seat are surprisingly leading contributors to chronic pain and significant unhealthy musculoskeletal
changes that can become long term health issues requiring focused rehabilitation to overcome.  The repetitive strains put on the body by these minor flaws impact the bones and muscle of the upper back, as well as balance, posture and emotional well-being.

application-homepage-medicalChiropractic care revolves philosophically around discovering all of these contributing factors and systematically modifying them in order to improve your general health and prevent injuries.  Dr. Andrea & Dr. Amy at InTouch Clinic are experts in the assessment and improvement of these sneaky contributors, offering treatment and also talks and workshops in the workplace about how these sneaky threats relate to your health and what you can do about it.

Dr. Andrea Ignacio, DCDr. Andrea Ignacio, DC

Associate Chiropractor

InTouch Integrated Chiropractic Spine Center
