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Shoulder Pose [Kandharasana]

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‘Kandhar’ means shoulder and in Kandharasana you make a bridge pose with your body by raising your back using your shoulder and feet as supports. This pose gives the back a very remedial stretch.

Organising the Pose:-

1. Lie flat on the back.

2. Bend the knees, placing the soles of the feet flat on the floor with the heels touching the  buttocks.                                           

3.  The feet and knees maybe hip width apart.

4. Grasp the ankles with the hands. This is the starting position. Raise the buttocks and arch the back upwards.

5. Raise the navel and chest as high as possible pushing the chest up towards the chin but without moving the position of the feet or shoulders.

6. Keep the feet flat on the floor. In the final position the body is supported by the head, neck, shoulders, arms and feet.

7. Hold the pose for as long as is possible and then lower the body to the starting position.                



l Inhale deeply in the starting position and retain the breath in while raising and holding the final position.

l Let the chest come and meet the chin for activating the thyroid gland.


l Don’t tighten the muscles around the  neck and shoulders.


l This pose helps to realign the spine, eliminating rounded shoulders and relieving backache.

l It massages and stretches the colon and abdominal organs improving digestion.

l It tones the female reproductive organs and is useful for women who have a tendency to miscarry.

l Beneficial for the management of the menstrual disorders, prolapsed, asthma and various bronchial and thyroid conditions.

Kandharasana is a good preparatory pose for Chakrasana.


Neelanjana Bharadwaj- Yoga Expert

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