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The Women’s Euro-Arabian North Pole Expedition

Arabian Women Wanted for The Women’s Euro-Arabian North Pole Expedition 2017

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British Adventurers, Felicity Aston MBE and Julie Lewis are looking for Arabian women from around the Gulf to answer the call to the North Pole and be roving ambassadors for cross -cultural dialogue between Arabian and European Women.

“We are looking for women from across Europe and the Middle East to form an international team to ski the last degree to the North Pole in April 2017.  The core purpose of the expedition is to foster greater dialogue and understanding between women from Western and Arabian cultures. In addition, the expedition will work to inspire all women to reach beyond the expectation of others to fulfill their own ultimate life ambitions “

Currently Felicity and Jules have received hundreds of applications from European women for a place on the team. The challenge is now on to find more Arabian women from Kuwait, Saudi, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Oman, Lebanon, and the UAE to apply for a place on this record making expedition of personal, national and global firsts. The selected applicants will undergo full training in Iceland this September and will also be part of endurance and cultural connections training in Oman prior to the main Expedition to the North Geographic Pole in April 2017.

To apply you do not need to be a super-human athlete. More important is a passion to travel to the high Arctic, enthusiasm for the cultural aims of the expedition and a willingness to work wholeheartedly to achieve the experience of a lifetime as a team.  Felicity and Jules are very keen to hear from women who have a clear idea of how they will put their experiences as part of the expedition to good use when they return home and are looking for Arabian women from diverse backgrounds and levels of experience. Anyone from seasoned adventurers to those with no previous experience of outdoor or adventurous activities are welcome to apply.

Arabian women are pushing boundaries in business, sports and life. More Arab women are gaining regional and global recognition and are rising to the occasion when doors of opportunity are open to them. The expedition is a pioneering opportunity to further reinforce and highlight the strength and spirit of Arabian women and build stronger bridges of understanding in the spirit of adventure. Now more than ever the world needs to nurture a deeper understanding and co-operation between the Middle East and Europe – the Women’s Euro-Arabian North Pole Expedition is an ideal platform to lead the way.

Applications are open until the 31st March and Felicity and Jules would love to hear from more Arabian Women who are willing to lead by example and be role models for the next generation of leaders in the community and society as a whole.

To Apply go to:  http://www.felicityaston.co.uk/new-page

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