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HomeGovernmentiGAUpdating your ID card personal details is easier with bahrain.bh!

Updating your ID card personal details is easier with bahrain.bh!

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Changes happen in the journey we walk through in life, some get married, some get a higher degree, some change their residence, some change jobs, some have kids therefore it is very important to keep updating your personal details registered in your Identity card and this can be easily done online through the National Portal bahrain.bh.

The National Portal, bahrain.bh allows you to update your civil data records, including marital status, family details, educational and work details. It also offers a comprehensive bundle of address-related services, such as adjusting or cancelling existing addresses, printing address certificates, updating residential addresses, printing residential address statements, and verifying residential address statements. A full list of the required supporting documents can be found on the National Portal Bahrain.bh.

Furthermore, the portal allows you to manage ID services for your direct family members, including spouse, children and domestic workers.

To update your ID card reader, the eGovernment eKiosk allows you to verify your details such as address, passport, occupation, sponsor, and residence data, and do the update instantly through the eKiosk at no-time.

For more information on ID card services and the iGA’s services and apps, you may contact iGA directly via the National Suggestion and Complaint System (Tawasul) www.bahrain.bh/Tawasul, or Tawasul app, available on the eGovernment Apps Store, www.bahrain.bh/apps, or contact the Government Services Center on 80008001. To receive updates on the latest news and developments, follow the iGA’s social media channels @iGAbahrain.

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