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HomeVMware reveals Project A²

VMware reveals Project A²

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VMware today unveiled Project A², a unification of two kinds of existing VMware software that’s intended to give company admins new management capabilities for Windows 10 devices and applications.

Typically, VMware’s AirWatch division would sell enterprise mobility management software for managing physical devices, and separately VMware would sell its App Volumes software (formerly CloudVolumes) for deploying applications to virtual desktops. Now VMware is revealing Project A², which is pronounced “A-squared,” that combines VMware App Volumes and AirWatch.

Microsoft — the company behind Windows 10, of course — offers its own enterprise mobility management. Now VMware is looking to go a little further feature-wise, beyond physical devices into the virtual desktop realm.

“We believe that we are pioneering a unique approach in the industry with a combination of heterogeneous management and real-time application delivery that makes applications lightweight, easy to deliver and simple to consume for users using any device,” Sumit Dhawan, senior vice president and general manager of desktop products in VMware’s EUC unit, wrote in a blog post today. “Bottom line, you will be able to seamlessly move existing physical Windows applications into the new Windows 10 mobile-cloud platform and apply an EMM approach across all applications (universal and classic Windows applications) and devices.”

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It’s not clear how or when Project A² will come to market. For now, it’s just a technology preview.

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