Zain Bahrain launches Direct Carrier Billing Service with Google Play

Zain Bahrain Direct Carrier Billing Service

Zain Bahrain, a leading telecoms operator focused on enhancing customer experience, launched a new Direct Carrier Billing service that enables customers to pay for their Google Play Store purchases using their mobile phone balances rather than through credit cards. The service is an easy to use and secure method for purchasing apps, games, and digital content.

The Direct Carrier Billing service is available for both prepaid and postpaid customers who own Android devices. Upon completing payment setup, customers can charge their app and content purchases directly to their mobile accounts. The service was earlier launched in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and was a resounding success with customers who have come to expect innovative value added services from the Zain brand.

Zain Bahrain Marketing Director, Roland Loetscher said, “The world is rapidly changing as society embraces an increasingly digital lifestyle. As a technology and customer experience innovator, Zain Bahrain is committed to providing its customers with the tools necessary to make their online experience as convenient as possible. The new Direct Carrier Billing service opens up a whole new digital world to customers who hesitate to share their credit card details online, or who do not have credit cards.”

Google Play Store is the official application shop for Android smartphones and tablets. Google makes software applications, movies and books available for purchase and download through the store. The Google Play store, which comes pre-installed on Android devices, allows users to purchase, download and install applications from Google and third-party developers.