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HomeSpotlightBahraini Author Receives the Quilly Award

Bahraini Author Receives the Quilly Award

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Tell about your experience receiving the Quilly Award?

It was an amazing experience.  There is no feeling like it when you feel gratified with one’s own achievement especially when you are recognized by a professional body represented by the National Academy of Bestselling Authors.  The gratification is compounded when you take into account that the awarding ceremony took place at the Roosevelt Hollywood Hotel which is the same hotel where the Oscars Awards took place for the first time in 1927.  The Awards Ceremony was part of the Thought Leader® Summit where top notch speakers gave various talks including the Billionaire Jay Abraham who created the Theory of Preeminence.

Tell us more about “The Success Blueprint.”

The Success Blueprint borrows from the concept of architecture blueprints and reflect this concept back on what it takes to be a successful person in the various aspects of life.  To build an architecture masterpiece, you must take into consideration several factors including
the foundations, structure and the projections to create a beautiful and
strong building.  Likewise, to achieve wealth, health and work-life balance, you must have a plan – a blueprint – and this is what this book offers.  It contains a ton of tips on success and another ton of motivation to help the reader to become a success.

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What has receiving the award meant to you?

Receiving this award put more responsibility on my shoulders.  And the responsibility is crystal-clear: To motivate the youth in Bahrain and beyond to be optimistic and motivated to have ambitious and meaningful goals in their lives to be the catalysts for positive change in their respective communities.  In our community, we need to go beyond the simple programming of our youth:  Study hard.  Graduate.  Get a job.  Get married & retire!  Life is more than that, where is the spirit of adventure, discovery, having a rich life full of experiences and leaving a positive legacy in the community.  This is what I preach when I speak to the youth in high schools and universities.

Any new books on the way?

I am finalizing the book covers and the text layout of my upcoming book – “Chai Karak: A Customer Service Story.”  It will be published in English in December 2017 and in Arabic in March 2018.  This book provides organizations and companies with a clear roadmap to improve their customer service standards.

As you know, one of the key success factor and competitive advantages for any organization is customer service.  To this end, this book has 22 chapters.  Each chapter begins with a quote on service and ends with three questions for the readers to reflect on to apply the concepts to their organizations.  In addition, the book has a section called “The Chai Karak Manifesto” where I introduce nine key factors to improve customer service.  The last section of the book includes a roadmap to creating a customer-centric culture.

I gave a number of talks on the concepts introduced in the book and last month I spoke to Googlers in Googleplex in California, USA.  They loved it!

How did you feel being the only Arab receiving the award?

Most of the delegates were surprised that I was from Bahrain and I enjoyed that.  They were interested in knowing more about Bahrain.  At the end of each conversation, they expressed their keen interest in visiting Bahrain to experience its culture, heritage and meet its people.  My attendance was a golden opportunity to promote Bahrain and I am so proud of the fact that I raised Bahrain’s flag high in Hollywood.

What is the basis of receiving the Quilly Award?

There is one basic requirement for receiving the Quilly Award and that is to have a book that tops the recognized bestselling book lists in USA.  And since “The Success Blueprint” topped two Amazon Bestselling lists, I was recognized with this award.

What do you say to the youth who dream of their own creative projects?

Start now and never procrastinate.  Many people wait for the “right time” or the “perfect time” – these concepts do not exist.  The best time is now.  Start, try, learn and enjoy the journey.  If you do not succeed, you learned.  If you succeed, we will all be happy for you and we will congratulate you.  And remember, if you try, you have 50% chance to succeed.  If you do not, you have already failed.

What advice would you offer?

My advice is to work on your public speaking and presentation skills because they will open the doors of success to you.  In addition, I advise them to familiarize themselves with the various programs offered by TAMKEEN and take part in the Annual Youth Startup Competition as they will learn a great deal about how to start a new business.

Last words?

I always considered myself the – Unofficial Ambassador of Bahrain – during my various travels and when receiving international guests.   This will always be a great motivator to achieve more and more to raise the flag of Bahrain so high in the sky.  I am working with a private organization to produce marketing media to promote Bahrain as a preferred Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) destination and this would be my biggest gift to the Kingdom.

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