Crane Pose [Bakasana]

Crane Pose
Crane Pose

‘Baka’ means ‘crane’ and ‘asana’ means pose. Traditionally Bakasana is an arm balance with straight arms [like the longer legs of a crane]. In this variation of this pose, the practitioner stands and bends forward resembling a crane.

Organising the Pose:-

1. Stand with the feet together.

2. Raise the arms in front of the body over the head.

3. Bend forward from the hips, transferring the weight to the right foot and touch the toes of the right foot with both hands. At the same time, slowly stretch the left leg behind, raising it as high as comfortable and bring the forehead towards the knee.

4. Keep both the legs straight.

5. To release, lower the leg and return to the upright position, keeping the arms straight as you lift them above the head. Then lower the arms and relax in the standing position. Repeat the practice on the other side.


  • Keep both the legs straight
  • Breathe normally.


  • Don’t practice if you have high blood pressure, vertigo or heart problems.
  • Don’t practice in the later stages of pregnancy.


  • Improves concentration.
  • Balances the nervous system, develops control of the body and makes the legs supple.
  • Strengthens the back, hips and leg muscles and improves the blood circulation.
  • Gives a beneficial compression to the abdominal organs.


Neelanjana Bharadwaj– Yoga Expert