Preparing for That Long Trip

Going to Dubai on a pleasure cum shopping trip in your own car? Or for wadi-bashing in Saudi Arabia? Or to see relatives in Jordan? Sit back and chalk out a plan and do not just fill up the tank and hit the road.


First of all check your vehicle thoroughly or better still, have it checked by a garage mechanic. Make sure it is roadworthy for a long trip. Pay particular attention to the brakes, condition of tyres, battery and lights. Get full-servicing done with brake oil, filter and engine oil taken care of.

The battery and tyres should be looked at more closely.

Also check that the fire-extinguisher is in place in the front seat and the tool box has nothing missing, especially the tools needed to replace a flat tyre.

Spare Tyre and Tools


For starters, as a driver you should take ample rest before setting out and must not feel as if your body needs sleep.

Do not start journey after midnight. It is better to start at the crack of dawn rather than at night.

Breaks between the journey are essential to freshen up. A break of at least 15 minutes after continuous driving for two hours is recommended.

Carry ample supply of water – for yourself and for the car – since the roads in Gulf countries hardly have any roadside villages and except for the petrol stations between long distances there is hardly a place to buy water or eatable. 

Driving at Night

Remember not to speed.

While you should avoid driving at night on long trips [partly because unlike in your own city, you may not be familiar with the nature of the road, bumps, potholes, speed-breakers etc and partly because you might begin to feel drowsy after a time], if you must then do not close your eyes, roll down windows of the car so the breeze keeps you alert, and if you can, have a cup of coffee.

If you feel fatigued then it is better to stop and take a nap for half an hour or so. But for the purpose do not stop and park on the hard shoulder of a road. Look for a lay-by and failing that for a flat space beyond the road, preferably well-lit, and do remember to lock your car.

Have a Happy Journey.