Supported Pigeon Pose [Ek Pada Rajakapotasana]

This pose is specially useful for stubborn, tight hips.

Props Required: 1 bolster, 1 blanket/towel, 1 pillow/blanket

Organising the Pose

1. From table top position bend your right leg, bringing it forward and rest your right hip, shin and knee on a folded blanket /pillow.

2. Extend your left leg behind, if required placing a folded blanket or towel below the left shin.

3. Keeping the pelvis evenly supported on both sides, hinge forward from the hips, resting your head on a bolster or any other padding which will help to soften the neck and shoulders.

4. Hold, relax and breathe deeply in the pose for 4-5 minutes then repeat on the other side.

5. Slowly come out of the pose by lifting the head and hands from the padding come into dandasana.

Use of Props

  •  Try increasing the height of the front pile by adding on a blanket, if there is lower back discomfort.
  •  Try placing a folded blanket below the buttocks, decreasing the amount of forward bend if any back issue.


1. Stretches the thighs, groins, psoas, abdomen, chest, shoulders and neck.

2. Stimulates the abdominal organs.

3. Opens the shoulders and chest.

4. Relieves sciatic nerve tension and eases chronic low back pain.

Apart from the physical benefits this pose is very grounding and helps to bring about a sense of serenity and peace, calming our disruptive desires!


Neelanjana Bharadwaj– Yoga Expert