The world we live in is the best place to be, where one gets to nourish ones passion into a profession. And when we speak about the Kingdom of Bahrain, it’s of course home away from home for the vast expatriate population that resides here. Here we are lucky today to have a tete tete with the renowned photographer Mr Andrew Weaver. From England comes this self trained photographer who has his formal education in Sports Science and Hospitality Management. And it didn’t take time for this traveler since the age of 20 to leave his own mark in the field of photography in Middle East.
Everyone says you need the right inspiration to get the perfect click. What is the secret behind your perfect clicks all the time?
Photography is an art, its creative, but you also need to organized, it’s a business. Many of my best shots involve planning, organization, anticipating weather, using various equipment including lighting and support crew. You also need patience and need to be able to coordinate with third parties, this was especially the case with aerial photography, and the need for helicopters. Apart from that you also need to be continually thinking and creating new ideas and concepts for shots, these often don’t just happen by chance. To make a success of an art as a career you have to be business minded or else you will go hungry.
How did you get this idea about doing books on photography?
I am a ‘commercial photographer’ meaning I do work for companies and for advertising agencies. I have also done numerous books for clients, including books about Bahrain, but I felt no one had ever really done a pure photographic book about the country. So a few years back I started working on “Between Two Seas” featuring modern day images around Bahrain. Having produced this book and it being quite successful, I decided to work on an aerial book “Above Two Seas” as an aerial book about the Kingdom had never been published before. This was a way of show casing my work, and also the unique beauty of the Kingdom.
If “Love at first sight” is true, which picture of yours did you fall in love with at the first glance?
I think as with any job you are pleased with some of your work more than others, and sometimes you feel you did a great job. But the only work I ‘fall in love with’ are personal photos I take of my kids! They have a value that cannot be achieved in any commercial work or book, neither are they for sale!
Which is your most cherished possession of cameras? Do you collect antique photographic equipments?
I always keep my cameras, even just for decoration. My first serious camera was a Practika when I was about 10 years old. Then I owned various Minoltas, then medium format Mamiyas, and now a series of Nikon digital cameras. I like them all but appreciate the craftsmanship in the early models, and the technology in current models.
Any pictures taken by others that you wish you had clicked?
No, but I admire other photographers work for sure, and I’m always looking to learn and develop.I particularly like sports photography, I could do that!
Are you happy with the way the world is currently recognizing photographers?
Yes I think photography in general is very popular and appeals to the masses. This was brought about through digital photography and moreso now with cameras in phones. As with any business the best get well known and often rich through their work. Photography is no different with some photographers becoming celebrity status eg Mario Testino, Annie Liebovitz, Andrew Weaver etc!!!!
Is it true that every picture has a story to tell? If so, which Arab nation in your experience speaks the best about its culture and heritage through the still images?
I wouldn’t select any one nation, but I think all Arabic countries respect their tradition and heritage, and place importance on documenting it for future generations. I think Bahrain also does this very well, and in particular the Ministry of Culture does considerable work and this field, and in using heritage to attract tourists.
Have you taken paths untraveled by your peers to get a unique shot?
Well, doing a book on aerial photography in the Kingdom was a first, so in that sense yes. Plus I travel a lot to interesting places looking for unique opportunities. I am about to embark on a paramotor course which will open up even more interesting and unique opportunities. This is basically a parachute with a fan on your back and you can fly just about anywhere and stay in the air all day. This has fantastic applications for photographers, providing you have a sense of adventure!
Do you believe in keeping a ‘to-do’ list? What would be the next thing in line you are or will be working to achieve?
I think you need to organized and realistic, but at the same time I am not a workaholic. I like to have time off and freedom to do many other things, so I veer away from to do lists unless the list includes fun things! I guess my rationale is: don’t take your work too seriously!
Why did you choose to anchor at the Kingdom of Bahrain?
I came here many years ago, and felt Bahrain was about the most attractive and enjoyable place in the region to live. I came here without children and I now have two, Felix 12 and Faye 14, so that anchors me here somewhat, as they go to school here and regard Bahrain as their home.
For more details on Weaver Photography, you may also contact:
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