Asanas for Relaxation

Most asanas are therapeutic in nature but there are a few which are purely for the purpose of relaxation.

This series of asanas are extremely important and should be performed after an asana session or anytime when the body becomes tired. These asanas seem very easy at first yet to do them well is rather difficult as the tension in all the muscles in the body must be consciously released.

The muscles often seem relaxed but unknowingly the tightness remains. Infact even during sleep relaxation is incomplete due to involuntary tensing of the muscles.

Relaxation should not be mistaken for inertia .It is not a state of lethargy but rest after effort, or conscious rest after conscious effort.

One definition of relaxation is ‘A complete resignation of the body to the power of gravity, surrender of the mind to nature and the whole body energy being transferred to a deep dynamic breathing.’

Constant postural abnormalities put excess strain on the muscles of the back and just lying down does not relieve it. The specific relaxation postures that are done in the prone position are very relaxing to the spine and related structures and can be practiced at any time during the day.

Proper, purposeful relaxation offers the greatest amount of renewed strength in the shortest duration of time. After extended exertion or stress, perfect relaxation is the principle which revitalizes the nerve centers, collects the scattered forces of energy and invigorates the body.

A few Yoga poses for relaxation are:

Shavasana [Corpse Pose]

Dradhasana [Firm Pose]

Advasana [Reversed Corpse Pose]

Makarasana [Crocodile Pose]

Garbhasana [Child’s Pose]

Proper relaxation is like giving fuel to your body, thus charging it with energy for better performance! So never skip out relaxation after your practice or hesitate to grab a few minutes to relax even during the day for renewed energy and freshness.


Neelanjana Bharadwaj – Yoga Expert