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Bahrain Artists Win Toyota Dream Car Art Contest

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Four budding artists from Bahrain have won the Regional Edition of the 15th Toyota Dream Car Art Contest.

Ebrahim K. Kanoo, the sole distributor of Toyota vehicles in the Kingdom of Bahrain, announced that four of the nine talented winners from Bahrain were nominated at the regional contest to participate in the Global edition of the world’s largest art contest. The Toyota Dream Car Art Contest is an international platform where budding young artists are encouraged to unleash their creative imagination and help shape the future of mobility with Toyota.

Jawaher Bader Aldoseri and Kartiki Singh won in their category of seven years and under, Shambhavi Jha won in the eight to eleven years old category and Thridev Karun Ambayapurath won in the twelve to fifteen years old category.

Renowned local Bahraini artists, Ali Mirza and Amina Al Abassi supported this year’s edition of the contest and provided inspiring tips and techniques to the participants through informational videos released on Toyota Bahrain’s social media channels. Each winner was presented with a cash cheque of USD3,000 from Toyota for their successful participation this year.

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