Lord Shiva’s Dance [Tandavasana]

Lord Shiva’s Dance

‘Tandava‘ is a divine dance performed by Lord Shiva which is the source of the cycle of creation, preservation and dissolution. It can be performed with anger [Rudra Tandava] or joy [Ananda Tandava]. The word ‘Shiva’ means the auspicious nature or consciousness which is conducive to positive, harmonious and balanced growth.

Organising the Pose:-

1. Stand upright with the feet slightly apart.

2. Bend and raise the left knee so the thigh is horizontal, the foot pointing away from the body and slightly to the right of the right leg. Bend the right knee slightly.

3. Place the left arm across the body in line with the left thigh, with the palm and fingers facing down.

4. Bend the right elbow so that the right palm is facing forward and the forearm is vertical.

5. The right elbow should be just behind the left wrist.

6. Practice the jnana mudra with the right hand and gaze towards the horizon. This is the final position.

DO s:

  • Fix your eye gaze to a point in front of you for focus so that you can mainatain your balance.
  • Breathe normally throughout the practice.


  • Don’t loose focus while balancing in jnana mudra
  • Don’t practice in the later stages of pregnancy.


  • Improves concentration.
  • Balances the nervous system, develops control of the body and makes the legs supple.


Neelanjana Bharadwaj– Yoga Expert