The Disney Babies

Disney Baby Day Care, Budaiya.


With women empowerment movements at the go, ladies have now become an integral part of the successful running of any organisation. Along with playing the role of a complete professional, no one can deny her role as a home maker. With the role comes the biggest responsibility of them all, taking care of the little ones. Along with the demands involved in the job, making sure that your kids get appropriate care is every mother’s greatest concern. Disney Baby Day Care at Al Shakhora, Budaiya is a one stop solution for the never ending worries of mothers in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Licensed under the Ministry of Social Development, Disney is a place where kids get to learn things while they play.

Ms. Mariam Radhi, aged twenty six started the unique care center for kids between the ages of 1 month to 3 years, on January 2014. Since then she has her hands full with kids of all ages taking up most of her time. Currently with 14 kids, the center is well facilitated with separate rooms with all the required amenities for kids based on their ages. Special care is being given for making sure that the hygiene at the place is well maintained. The Kitchen and dining areas keep up to the standard that is not very easy to find elsewhere. Indoor halls having toys including bouncing castles to outdoor play area makes Disney Baby care a home away from home for the little ones. With the summer vacations coming to an end, and new admissions coming in, the place is soon expecting to have close to 21 babies. The kids are taken care by well trained nannies and teachers who give special attention to every kid at the place and make sure that every one of them stays happy throughout the day.

When we asked Mariam about her idea of starting a day care at a very young age of hers, she answered with a smile “I have a little baby and I had to face lot of problems when trying to place him at a good day care. All the places I went to where not maintaining the standard and I was worried for my little one. Believe me… I had to face the same question as yours at the ministry before getting an approval”, she added laughing. But it is true, for a person as young as hers opening a baby day care is above all thoughts. The responsibility that comes with taking care of infants and toddlers is very delicate and many a time even experienced people accept defeat. But now we know that the Ministry is also content with the efforts taken by Mariam as all the inspections so far has given extremely satisfying results. “I had to struggle a lot initially but am happy now seeing the happy and content little faces at my center.”, said Mariam with a proud twinkle in her eyes.

Disney Baby Day Care stays true to its slogan ‘more love, care, play & learn ’. The kids here never stay idle and are always involved in activities like arts and crafts to becoming little chefs. The best part about this place is that the kids are not always confined to the indoors but are equally given chance to be there outdoors, playing at the shallow little pools or in the little castles or even in the sand. All the activities are strictly monitored by elders and it’s also made sure that the little tummies stay full.

For more details visit: Instagram or contact us: 39056662 / 39720770