Dinning out is one of the social activities that people are considering as a social gathering time. It is probably one of the few social activities left that keeps the family members linked and away from the personal electronic gadgets. This activity should be encouraged but there are some health point’s worth of mentioning. A recent survey, showed, to our surprise, that major franchised food chains have different content of salt throughout the world. In fact the study showed that Middle East branches of these restaurants have double and in some occasions triple the amount of salt as compared to other countries.
The risk of salt to the Heart, Kidney and Brain is well known. Its effect on increasing the blood pressure is proved and does not need to be elaborated here. This recent observation require more monitoring and may be discussion with food chain manufacturer to inquire about this issue. Education and monitoring is advised to all people regarding the harmful effect of excess salt more than 5g daily. The studies showed that this number could be present in less than one Hamburger sandwich. The food chain owners might not be aware of this important health fact so there our duty lies.
When the same brand is able to produce the same type of food with less salt and in a healthier form this could even be more attractive to customers.
Wish you the best of health.
Dr. Jafar Al Said
(Chair of the Internal Medicine Department,
Nephrology / Internal Medicine Consultant)