Tiptoe Pose [Padangusthasana]

Tiptoe balancing pose is done from a squatting position. In addition to physical and mental balance this pose requires strong toes and ankles and flexibility in the hips and knees.

Organising the Pose:-

1. Sit in a squatting position, lift your heels off and sit on your toes.

2. Adjust your left knee so that it’s directly under your perineum.

3. Place your right hand on the floor by the side of your right thigh, Use your left hand to lift the right foot and place it on top of the left thigh.

4. Balance by placing the left hand down on the floor as well, fix your eye gaze to a point ahead of you. Once balanced try to bring both the palms together in front of your heart, in namaskar mudra.

5. Maintain the final pose for 6-8 breaths or more if possible.

6. Repeat the above steps on the other side.


  • Do keep the balance by engaging your core muscles.
  • Maintain the balance by keeping the eye gaze fixed to a point in front of you.


  • Don’t practice this pose if you have existing pain in the knees, ankles or hips,
  • Don’t practice in the later stages of pregnancy.


  • Helps keep the reproductive system healthy.
  • It remedies flat feet and improves strength and flexibility in the toes, ankles,hips and thighs.
  • Improves the sense of balance, calms the mind and improves focus.
  • It helps maintain ‘Brahmacharya’ [one of the Niyamas in Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga]


Neelanjana Bharadwaj– Yoga Expert