Wedding 101 | Part 1

 There had been several instances when I was asked of the things I do before I cover a wedding event. I say, in the same manner of conducting an outdoor fashion shoot or outdoor shoot, there are important notes and pointers that need to be considered to guarantee success. Here are a few tips: 

  • Create a ‘Shot List’

One of the most helpful tips I’ve been given about Wedding Photography is to get the couple to think ahead about the shots that they would like you to capture. Have a checklist so that you can cross them off once done. This is particularly helpful with family shots. There is nothing worse than giving the couple photos and eventually learn that you missed to photograph them with their great grandma!

  • Scout the Location

Before the big day; ensure to visit the locations where the event will be taking place. While some experienced wedding photographers don’t do this – I still find it really helpful to be familiar with the place and get an idea of a few positions to capture beautiful images.

  • Prepare

There is no such thing as being too prepared. Have a backup plan (in case of a bad weather). Carry extra batteries and make sure they are fully charged. Ensure your memory cards are blank and always have a spare handy. Think about alternative routes; you can never be late for the event. You should start planning the best possible positions to get a shot, considering the lighting in the room and some more important details.

Check out more in next week’s issue!

Contributed by Glenn Wesley Dulay