28.2 C

Good Living

Seated Yoga Poses for Stress Relief

Stress is the new age disease due to the fast paced lives we lead. Just juggling multiple tasks throughout the day keeps us wired...

Melasma – The Black Butterfly

Very often in our practice we encounter women and sometimes men, who complain of the persistent black patches on their cheeks, nose, forehead or...

Use Sunflower Oil as a Beauty Product

Use sunflower oil to treat your face, body and hair with these DIY beauty tips! ● Fight wrinkles straight up, no chaser: sunflower oil can...

Yoga poses for Stress Relief

Last week we discussed the ancient Yogic techniques to manage stress which are more about working directly on the thoughts and mind. The Yogic physical...

Diabetes and Periodontal Health

During the past 10 years, much research has been undertaken on the link between diabetes and periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is the sixth leading...

Beauty tips using Ice Cubes

Makeup Primer: As I said before, use of ice cubes before applying makeup is practiced from ancient types. Rub few ice cubes on your...

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