29.3 C


A True Athletic Life, Interview with Dana Zubari

Dana Zubari, the first Bahraini women to compete in a Half Iron Man is a true reflection of Bahraini women’s athletic skills. Starting her...

Cycling is Freedom! Interview with Sarah Al Sammak

Known as Sarah cyclist, Sarah Al Sammak is one of the first Bahraini girls who took up cycling in 1999. Certified by British Cycling,...

The Diverse Hues of a Rainbow, Dr. Sara Al Madani

“A rainbow has so many colors and you can be any shade you want.” Dr. Sara Al Madani told Bahrain This Week during the...

The Musical Life of Acceptance & Love, Interview with Isa Najem

Bahrain’s own Isa Najem has raised the prestige of the Kingdom in the global music platform by winning the “Best Original Music Score” by...

Dedicated to Bahrain with Passion, Interview with Dr. Fatima Albalooshi

A passionate humanitarian, Dr. Fatima Albalooshi was named as the fourth most influential woman in government in the Middle East by Forbes in 2014....

Bahrain in the AI World, Interview with Dr. Shaikha Eshaa bint Mohammed Al Khalifa

The Kingdom’s success stories are getting boundless over the days. Dr Shaikha Eshaa bint Mohammed Al Khalifa, Founder and chief executive of the software...

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