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Stress Relief through Wide Legged Forward Fold

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So, it has been established that practicing Yoga is a proven stress buster and calm provider. A regular practice can lower your blood pressure, improve circulation, regulate digestion, optimize respiration, provide relief from chronic back pain and relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression.

The ease of getting on with the practice of the postures, breathwork or meditation virtually anywhere is one of the boons of this science. As long as you have an open space as big as a standard Yoga mat you are good to go.

If you find yourself stressed at work or anywhere else just take off your shoes, find some space, take a deep breath and take a wide stance as you setup for a wide legged forward fold or ‘prasarita padottanasana’.

To get into this pose, tuck your toes in slightly, with the heels in line and legs spread out about two and a half shoulder widths apart.

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Place your hands on your hips, inhale, lift your chest and with an exhale hinge forward from your hips coming into a forward fold. Place your palms, shoulder width apart, on the floor, fingers in line with the toes. Reach the crown of your head on the floor placing it gently between the palms.

Slide a block or even a book or two beneath your head if it doesn’t reach the floor to release the pressure on the head. Make sure the spine in long, neck relaxed and eye gaze fixed to a single point for focus. Take 10-15 deep long breaths in this pose.

Inhale, press the fingertips coming to a flat back, take your hands to your hips as you gently come up into standing. Step your feet together.

So, get relief from stress almost instantly with the practice of this amazing forward bend, hip opener and semi inversion.


Neelanjana Bharadwaj
Yoga Expert
Instagram: – yoga_me_and_more

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