Good Living
Good Living
Can hernia be repaired laparoscopically?
Hernia is defined as protrusion of an organ through an abnormal opening in the wall of its containing cavity. Hernia genesis involves complex pathophysiological,...
Supported Half Moon Pose [Salamba Ardha Chandrasana]
Ardha means half, Chandra means moon and asana is seat. Ardhachandrasana is a standing balance pose which works on balance, core and leg strength....
Good Living
AGE MATTERS-Declining Fertility with Age
Age is the single most important factor affecting the woman’s fertility and her chances of having a child. We have to understand a fact...
Supported Warrior 2 [Salamba Virabhadrasana]
Warrior 2 is one of the most commonly taught and practiced yoga poses and is one of the first standing poses taught to beginners. ...
Good Living
Teeth Hypersensitivity – The Common Cold of Dentistry
Tooth sensitivity is often caused by eating or drinking something hot, cold, sweet or acidic. Under normal conditions, the underlying dentin of the tooth...
Good Living
ways to quit smoking
So you think you want to quit?
‘I think I will reduce the number slowly and then stop’ versus ‘I will stop completely from today’....