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Supported Upward Plank Pose [Shalamba Purvottanasana]

The Supported Upward Plank Pose or Purvottanasana is a perfect counter pose for ‘Chaturanga’ as it stretches the front part of the body including...

Supported Sage Pose [Shalamba Vishwamitrasana]

The Sage Pose or Vishwamitrasana is a complex asana, it’s an arm balance, hip opener, shoulder opener, hamstring stretch and twist all in one!...

Supported Downward Facing Dog [Salamba Adhomukhasvanasana]

Raising the palm support in Downward Facing Dog helps to shift the body weight to the legs and stay longer in the pose. Hence...

Supported Warrior 3 [Shalambha Virabhadrasana-3 ]

The Warrior 3 Pose is a standing balance which requires tremendous focus, strength and a lot of balance. Using a chair as a prop...

Supported Revolved Side Angle Pose [Salamba Parivrtta Parshavkonasana]

Parivrtta means revolved, Parshva means Side, Kona means angle so the revolved triangle pose, when done using a chair as a prop is a...

Supported Revolved Triangle Pose [Salamba Parivrtta Trikonasana]

Parivrtta means revolved, trikona means triangle so the revolved triangle pose, when done using a chair as a prop is a supported twist making...

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