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Tackle Dry Skin in This Winter by 5 Fruit Face Packs

Dry skin is a skin issue that is quite prevalent during the winter season. While you carry on your winter skincare routine, you can...

DIY Anti-Ageing Creams

Signs of skin ageing are difficult to fight. We bring to you DIY anti-ageing creams that will nourish and pamper your skin while diminishing...

Amazing Tips & Tricks to Make Your Manicure Last!

Today, we have some amazing tips to make your manicure last long. Filing you nails to your desired shape after you apply the polish can...

Hydrate your Skin

Your skin becomes dehydrated over time due to various reasons. Here are some tips to achieve hydrated skin. Exfoliation is a necessary step to maintain...

Essential Oil Remedies for Dry Feet

With the winter season on its full swing, dry feet that tamper the appearance of your feet also causing the uncomfortable and painful walk...

Clean Beauty Regime

Clean beauty regime means using products that are non-toxic, natural and safe to use. As so, to have a clean beauty regime there are...

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